Welp, it's like this. Some time ago many farm workers and small houses had
"pot burners", they were kerosene heaters and we sold bout half a million
of kero per year. Yes, I do recall many a household using kero lamps. Times
changed and we had a "fuel shortage" ( quotes added because I could get all
fuel and gas I wanted if I had the CASH). During this last fuel shortage,
people were
looking for ways to duck the high fuel oil prices and they went with portable
heaters, such as the Kerosun. Some people are still using these heaters.
I could never figure out why someone would pay $1.59 for kero to heat their
when #2 F.O. was #1.37...
As to using kero in your diesel, kero has less BTU's than diesel fuel. Less
lubricating quailities, and as was pointed out, it's not road taxed. Ain't
worth messin' with it.
Joe Young
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