Hey Gang...
What a great time at the Grand Opening of the D-Day museums Operation
Pacific Legacy.. I don't think I can top a weekend like that with my jeep
ever again..
The Parade was huge with 12 Medal of Honor winners.. luckily enough I got
one to
ride in my 42 GPW and we made it the whole 2.6 miles with nothing more that
a little
smoke.. 2 others had to be towed or limped back before the end of the parade.
The Arrowhead Chapter and 6th Corps met for lunch on Bourbon Street in the
French Quarter and staged our own parade from there to the convention
center. The New Orleans
CBS affiliate has a slide show with some great photos of the vehicles
several jeeps, command cars, a Stewart and a Greyhound.
The Re-enacting the next day was great with the Confederate Air Force in TORA,
TORA, TORA, and an actual beach landing using a Higgins boat to put some
Marines in harms way in front of the Imperial Japanese Infantry.. our Marines
took out the Japs without much problem :)
I hope every one had as good as time remembering Pearl Harbor as we did!!
Jess Minton
Arlington, TX
42 GPW
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