NOTE: I'm probably wrong when I say this, so please correct me.
There should be a one track section difference between the left side
and the right side. I'll take a guess and say 59 / 60 ?
Also, were there not 2 types of track used ?
T130 uses a 5-1/4" pad.
T130E1 uses a 4-3/4' pad.
Like I said , I'm probably wrong , so if you do go out and count them
let us know.
Jim Wiehe , VA3JHW
mail to :
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 08:19
Subject: [MV] M548 track question
> List,
> I have the opportunity to purchase enough track pads to replace those on my M548A1. The ones on my vehicle
are about 65%, but the opportunity to buy replacements presented itself at a reasonable price, so I want to
pursue it. Now the many pads are on each track? If no one knows, I will go out and count, but
I thought it might be a bit of trivia one of you might know.
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