First thanks to all who responded to my plea. I come to you hat in hand and head bowed, and problem solved. After several weeks of on and off efforts to track down this problem, I did what I should have done at the beginning. At the suggestion of a list member ( I cannot find the post or I would thank him personally) I checked my connections at the starter switch. As expected one of the connections was not seated well. Guess what, when I pushed it in and heard it click my gauges came to life. All that aggravation for a loose connection. Not quite the same as the rubber seal that did in the Challenger but it goes to show you(me) that it is always better to follow the KISS principle ( Keep it Simple Stupid). I have however found a new use for the large wrench in the Mutt tool kit. That for beating myself over the head repeatedly for wasting everybody's time. Really, thanks for the help past present and future. In the words of Arnold S." I'll be back."......Alan
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