From: Rikk Rogers (
Date: Mon Apr 15 2002 - 13:00:07 PDT
Lets just hope our rule makers don't take time to talk to yours.
If they get together and combine your foolishness and ours, we will all be
the worse off for it!
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Notton []
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 2:48 PM
To: Rikk Rogers; MVlist
Subject: Re: [MVlist] [MV] EUC Form
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rikk Rogers" <>
To: "Mil-Veh2" <>; "MVlist" <>
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 6:06 PM
Subject: [MVlist] [MV] EUC Form
> David,
> I think its nice that they managed to align their dates for the new
> paperwork, and their annoyance ( read: complete pissing off) of the client
> base, with the ability to hide and let GL take the flack.
Errrrr, its Flak Rikk, without a c. Stands for FLeigerAbwehrKanone,
flying anti gun ~ AA gun.
> Our tax dollars at work.
Luckily a bit of nonsense we haven't caught up with yet.
Southampton - England
-Solent Area MVT-
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