From: Amnon (
Date: Sun Jun 02 2002 - 10:58:40 PDT
I sure hope you all have cooler temps than here !!!
I have a few more questions about that M1009 I got from Andy here.
1. What is the "computer like connector" below the dash, the one with a
bunch of wires in it?
2. Anybody out there has used front hubs for the truck? Seems like someone
took one apart and didn't put everything back in.
3. Do all cucv's shift kinda rough? I finally got it to shift smooth when
I take my foot off the pedal at around 25mph and again at around 42 or so.
Had to turn the adjusting screw in the vacume modulator all the way out to
achieve this.
4. What is the right size and type of tire it uses?
Shalom Ya'll
Amnon Nissan
Host, Computers 2K2
on 850 The Buzz (AM 850) in Raleigh NC
Sundays 8-10am
having fun with &
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