From: Maurizio Beretta (
Date: Sun Jun 02 2002 - 11:42:56 PDT
I'm restoring a GPW , s/n 186225, DoD 2.29.44.
I bought a week ago a new book on jeeps, a french title called "LA JEEP"
(isbn 2726884407).
there is a chapter on Willys/ford serial numbers...
it's a new database, it seems different from others I've found since now..
..and..I found there the GPW 186224!!!
now, I just hope that there is a "owner" behind this s/n, and that he knows
the "USA number" on his jeep...
| | Maurizio BERETTA
|_\ o||||o /_| Chiasso, 11
|----JeeP----| 20155 Milano MI Italy
|_| |_| ph. + 39 023270228 fax + 39 023270228
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