From: Maurizio Beretta (
Date: Sun Jun 02 2002 - 11:44:04 PDT
dear listers,
a 4 months ago about, I bought some Ford's bearings from a guy, Michael
Laiacono, from Westland, MI ,and I was satisfied with the service and with
items as well.
then, I ordered more kits, and this time was KEVIN KOLOD, from 4741 Grove
ct, Canton, MI , answering at ...
I payed him 40 days ago, 150$ through Money order, and had nothing.
if somebody is near that location, please ask him what happened...
if somebody wants to make business with him, be AWARE...
| | Maurizio BERETTA
|_\ o||||o /_| Chiasso, 11
|----JeeP----| 20155 Milano MI Italy
|_| |_| ph. + 39 023270228 fax + 39 023270228
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