Re: [MV] M35A2 engine problem: Assistance in diagnosis, please?

From: Joe Shannon (
Date: Sun Jun 02 2002 - 13:37:53 PDT

    Adding the transmission fluid to this type of pump would probably help
clean it but keep in mind that the "old" transmission fluid was made
differently from today's and contained whale oil instead of the teflon
particles of today's Mercon Dextron. These particles can lock up a modern
pump like on a pickup or a newer Cat engine.
    Also the lack of lubrication in modern fuels is very hard on everything.
When replacing injector pumps I always make sure it has the upgraded shaft
because the old original shafts can break.

JJ&A wrote:

> Our deuce just developed an engine problem. Hopefully, the list can
> figure it out. I'm stumped. It's a 1968 Kaiser-Jeep M35A2 with
> LDT-465-1C multifuel turbo. We only run Diesel #2 fuel in it.
> History, up until problem occurred: Ran fine. Idled fine. Smooth.
> 7.9 mpg. One day, it started a little rough, and by mid-day, it was
> missing on one or more cylinders. It got home (woo-HOO!) but was missing
> worse, and power was way, way down.
> Tests: We cracked open the high pressure input side of each
> injector, noting that each one was spurting diesel. Two cylinders, #2
> and #4, were odd, in that the engine did not falter, when the injector
> feed tube was cracked open. #2 and #4 cylinders are fed by diametrically
> opposed output tubes on the injector pump, for what that's worth.
> Substitutions: I obtained a takeout injector (unknown condition) and
> installed it in #2 cylinder to see if that part of the problem went
> away. No change. I did not move the #2 injector to a known, working
> cylinder. We can try that.
> Other attempts: I put some automatic transmission fluid directly in
> the fuel filters, in order to get a good, quick flushing of the injector
> pump. This advice came from a sage diesel wrench. No change. Engine ran
> fine. Couldn't tell the difference, in any way. I put some regular
> gasoline in the fuel tank, to about 25% concentration with the existing
> #2 diesel fuel. I added the appropriate amount of diesel injector
> cleaner to it. Drove it and no change at all. Seemed to make more
> racket, though. I noticed that there was a whole lot more smoke than
> usual. This increased smoke began roughly with the onset of the trouble,
> not when I added gasoline (to hopefully disolve any residues in the
> pump, if any).
> Other clues: For some time, we have been hearing a chirping,
> whistling sound from the engine. Can't locate it, though. I don't seem
> to hear it as much, now. Could it possibly be from a loose head gasket,
> that was acting like a reed from a musical instrument, and then blew
> out, all the way, lowering my compression to the point that those two
> cylinders are not detonating? The exhaust smells and looks like there is
> unburnt fuel in it. I'll check the coolant for oil when it cools down.
> Please contact me directly, as I'm on the digest mode. I'll post the
> 'winning' diagnosis, and add it to my bag of knowledge. We should post
> repair tips to some archive, somewhere, sometime. Thanks in advance,
> guys. Jim (Seattle area)
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