From: JJ&A (
Date: Sun Jun 02 2002 - 14:03:02 PDT
Forgot to mention that we checked the valve clearances, and they
were really close to spec, and now are within 0.002" of spec. Problem
I have a theory that I can test with a compression tester.
Background info: When I used to go start the deuce in the morning, it
didn't really want to start. Acted like there was fluid in the cylinders
that had to get blown out, first. Took several seconds to blow clear.
After that, it ran great. Could it be that the valve guides are worn to
the point that oil from the rocker area is drooling down past the
guides, into the cylinder? If so, then that would account for the
tendency to run rough at first, then clear out. It would also produce
more compression, since that oil is not compressible. That increased
compression might tend to blow out the head gasket. A blown head gasket
would prevent detonations, since it could not build up enough
compression. Could it be? If so, then a compression check would be a
valuable clue, and I should install new guide seals before putting it
back together.
More, as it developes. Thanks for all the tips. Jim
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