Re: [MV] June convention and judging

From: Maurizio Beretta (
Date: Sun Jun 02 2002 - 08:05:08 PDT

...well..I preregistered, and I hope to will be my first
"convention" as well!!

a long trip from Italy...and I'm not there to sell anything!!

...and with regards at that ...could members (sellers) of this list post
the reference of the stalls where they will be ?


At 12.13 31/05/02 -0500, Bill Chambers wrote:
>I will be attending my first MVPA convention this June in Dallas.
>Look forward to putting faces with all the great people on the list that are
>'42 Phillips Heavy Weight
>'37 Phillips
>'32 CWS Postal
>WW1 Sunbeam
>Military Bicycles
>Millions served, Few remembered: not everyone had a jeep!

  | | Maurizio BERETTA
|_\ o||||o /_| Chiasso, 11
|----JeeP----| 20155 Milano MI Italy
|_| |_| ph. + 39 023270228 fax + 39 023270228

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