Re: [MV] Tire Question

From: Amnon (
Date: Tue Jun 04 2002 - 06:39:40 PDT

> I recently had new tires mounted for my M-37 by a large truck shop. I
requested that the tires be balanced and rather then spin balancing them
they put a powder called Equal into the tubes.
> Is anyone familiar with this stuff? My M-37 is in pieces at the moment so
I can not give a report on driving impressions.
> The tech at the shop mentioned that the tubes will have to be replaced if
there is ever any damage to the tubes.

Oh boy..... I had that stuff in my M35 front tires because I wasn't smart
enough to realize that taking the hubs off will allow them to spin balance,
or actually speed balance them, right on the truck. The stuff works, but it
take about a second or two for the sand to "balance" the tire when it starts
to shimmy. On my truck it was happening at around 46 mph and the seconds or
two of shimmy at that speed wasn't very pleasant, but it was OK to go
through it for the sake of driving around 50mph on a long drive. Every now
and then even at higher speeds it will shimmy and then stop. After getting
the locking hubs from Arthur I went back and had the tubes replaced and the
tires speed balanced, and now it is perfect (well... :-) They replace the
tubes because they have no way of getting the powder out. So now I have two
new tubes with that stuff in them in my garage.

Shalom Ya'll
Amnon Nissan


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