Date: Tue Jun 04 2002 - 06:48:38 PDT
Here is my "what the "L" is going on ?" of the week.
My M-37 had a 12V heater blower put in by the Mil Reserve unit that
had it before me. They tapped off in board battery to make it go.
Core died so I am taking it out. Last fall I was advised to remove
this wire as it was gonna un-balance the battery set. Off it came
however as I am not an electrical wizard I failed to notice no ground
cable. I put the beast in storage the next week.
Got it out two weeks ago and noticed the Gen needle was low green..
drove in parade.. really low green..almost high yellow..
started it up on Sunday yep yellow.. then the beast stopped... No
I suspect that the heater gizmo acted as a round about ground is some
Have not checked the batteries ...might be drained.
? Did I break something for not having ground cable attached?
If so what?
Will a ground wire fix the non gen charging issue?
Thanks in advance,
52 M-37
53 M-38a1 WIP
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