Date: Mon Sep 09 2002 - 00:27:18 PDT
I agree with Gene. Driving, owning motor vehicles, green or not, owning firearms, etc. are rights, not priveleges. Simple fact: There is nothing in the Constitution about driving or truck ownership. There IS, however, a clause about "....the powers that are not specifically delegated to the government are reserved by the people"....ergo, driving is a right until the constitution is amended. The whole motor vehicle system is based on a bluff, and has no basis whatsoever in common law or historical precedent. It is not within the realm or purview of government to be involved in motor vehicles, period. Like the tax code, A few weeks of refusal to acknowledge it, and it would be a fond memory. It all comes down to people being afraid to disobey illegal laws and regulations. Scared people are easy to control.
It would also be good to note that in every case, our Constitution exists to LIMIT the powers of the government, NOT those of the people.
In a message dated Sun, 8 Sep 2002 9:17:41 PM Eastern Standard Time, "Gene Pantano" <> writes:
>I agree on this one 100%..Driving is a RIGHT..not a priveledge.!!
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