[MV] Militia, was Who's Vehicle is it?

From: Renaud OLGIATI (rolgiati@conexion.com.py)
Date: Wed Sep 11 2002 - 17:41:19 PDT

My mailbox was recently graced by a missive from Dave Ball :

> The Militias won the right to be recognized as an Army by the world when
> they defeated the British not before.

I always thought they had been unable to defeat the British, which is why
General Washington was unable to win a decisive battle until he got the
French army and navy, under La Fayette and Rochambeau, to fight on the side
of the Colonies.


Ron the Frog, on the banks of the Paraguay River

                 To succeed, planning alone is insufficient.
                         One must improvise as well.
                                            -- Salvor Hardin
              -- http://personales.conexion.com.py/~rolgiati --

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