From: Dave Ball (
Date: Wed Sep 11 2002 - 19:06:26 PDT
I am full of undiplomatic feelings for your French to the rescue statement
so I will just say this "NUTS"
Have a nice day : )
I do this out of respect for my Dad (lieutenant Gordon Ball) and the men who
used my 43 Dodge and a B-24 "Big City Gal" who flew 73 missions through
hell and back.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "Dave Ball" <>; "Military Vehicles Mailing List"
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 5:41 PM
Subject: [MV] Militia, was Who's Vehicle is it?
> My mailbox was recently graced by a missive from Dave Ball :
> > The Militias won the right to be recognized as an Army by the world when
> > they defeated the British not before.
> I always thought they had been unable to defeat the British, which is why
> General Washington was unable to win a decisive battle until he got the
> French army and navy, under La Fayette and Rochambeau, to fight on the
> of the Colonies.
> ???????
> Ron the Frog, on the banks of the Paraguay River
> --
> To succeed, planning alone is insufficient.
> One must improvise as well.
> -- Salvor Hardin
> -- --
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