Date: Mon Oct 07 2002 - 21:44:19 PDT
In a message dated Mon, 7 Oct 2002 11:12:13 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> Well, I was the guy who sent out the email saying the
> event had to WWII vehicles and the people dressed in
> WWII clothing, so the target is here if you want to
> take a swing at me.
I was not aware that I was taking a swing at anyone. The email said that to fully participate, one must be in WWII garb, and have a WWII vehicle....or follow a sufficient distance behind in a separate section, or not participate. I simply choose not to participate. That was one of the options, was it not. I did not criticize those who choose to participate, nor those who organized this event. In fact, a follow up posting by me even commended those who organize these things.
I have a problem, however, with some other folks, who unlike yourself, drop the "buts" on particpants after they have already gone to the trouble to show up, rather than as you did, lay out the ground rules on the front end. You convoy, and sincerely have fun, and I will stay at home, and have fun too, and we will both be friends.
BUT, if you had asked me to particpate, and I drove my M series vehicle the several hundred miles there while wearing BDU or blue jeans, THEN said "Oh, that's not WWII, you gotta follow 4 miles behind," then that swing you mentioned earlier would be deserved :)
> My thoughts were...why not try and get more MVPA
> participation by opening it up and giving them
> opportunities to bring WWII vehicles. You scratch our
> back and we scratch yours. A win-win for everyone who
> can play..right?
> Well, I'm sorry if you are somehow offended that your
> M35 Duece or M151 can't play, but it doesn't fit the
> intent of the event.
Acknowledged, it appears that the intent is to replicate a WWII convoy, not to conduct a military vehicle event. That is fine.
I am trying to bridge the gap
> between Reenactors and MV collectors in some
> reasonable manner. If you are also offended by the
> WWII clothing requirement (and my standards I listed
> are much looser than any respectable WWII
> reenactment), then you just don't get what I am trying
> to do here.
If I were so inclined, I could step to the closet and return in Korean War era attire, or any number of Vietnam era uniforms. I was gathering this stuff when it was virtually mandated in this area that if you didn't dress like a soldier you weren't entitled to show your vehicle. EVER, with the local MVPA chapter. This absurd notion has fortunately died.
> If for some reason this whole concept infuriates you,
> well then this event is not for you and ignore the
> email. I am putting a lot of work into trying
> something new..and of course those who try new things
> always are criticized. Go put something else together
> if you are so inflamed.
I have organized, put together, torn down and participated in a number of shows, convoys and displays. I know how tough it is, and I have not attacked you or what you are doing in any way.
Just pointed out how carefull one must be....
DAvid Doyle
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