From: Ryan Gill (
Date: Tue Oct 08 2002 - 21:38:37 PDT
At 11:35 PM -0400 10/8/02, Steve Grammont wrote:
>I can only speak from my knowledge of WWII TO&E. Tracked armored
>vehicles were generally equipped with dedicated small arms (Thompsons, M3
This goes with British vehicles as well. Whats a Bren carrier without
the Bren and the Boyes?
Frankly the events that don't have the full dimension don't really
interest me anyhow. I'm probably not going to truck my Armored Car to
an event where someone's going to give me flack for a bin full of
Mills bombs, a rack full of Bren Mags, a Dummy bren, a No1MKIII in
the rack and a .38 cal Enfield on my holster.
I'll stick with the event's like Allan Cors. Live tanks, Live guns, a
real flame thrower, people with sense and no problems.
>tank gun is for a tank. The fact that they are detachable IMHO doesn't
>make a difference from a purist standpoint (i.e. safety and PR concerns
>not factoreed in).
Agreed with me. Cheers!
-- Ryan Gill ---------------------------------------------------------- | | | -==---- | O--=- | | /_8[*]°_\ |_/|o|_\_| | _________ | /_[===]_\ / 00DA61 \ |/---------\| __/ \--- _w/|=_[__]_= \w_ // [_] o[]\\ _oO_\ /_O|_ |: O(4) == O :| _Oo\=======/_O_ |____\ /____| |---\________/---| [__O_______W__] |x||_\ /_||x| |s|\ /|s| |s|/BSV 575\|s| |x|-\| |/-|x| |s|=\______/=|s| |s|=|_____|=|s| |x|--|_____|--|x| |s| |s| |s| |s| |x| |x| '60 Daimler Ferret '42 Daimler Dingo '42 Humber MkIV (1/3) ----------------------------------------------------------
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