From: Paul A. Thomas (
Date: Wed Jan 08 2003 - 11:22:29 PST
Thank you to all who made suggestions about the batteries. As Ken pointed
out from one of the other photos at the site the system seems to be 12
volt. This brings forth a wide range of questions <g>... I'm not sure
where to begin:
1: The battery tray holds two and only two 6TL batteries. They fit
well. TM 9-819 shows two batteries in this model truck, however with a
bridging cable.. The TM's also say the system should be 24 volt. As it's
not... I wonder how much had to be done to change the truck to 12 volt
status? There is an extra Odometer bolted on the steering column, however
I don't believe the electrical system interacts with it. Probably just
added on because replacing or repairing the original would cost too much or
could not be found. To change the truck over, I would think I would have
to change the :
voltage regulator
gauges relating to current
How about spark plugs? Distributor? Plug Cables?
I now am guessing that one battery goes to the deuce, and one to the
pumping engine ( which looks to be bigger than the REO's engine :} ).
My primary purpose at this time is to move the truck safely. No brakes,
however the parking brake works.. I want to be able to pull it out onto the
back street, park it and allow someone to come in with a jeep and auger to
drill holes for the retaining walls I am installing, at least the ones
around the truck pit. For I be tired of using a 30 lb breaker bar to knock
the clay/dirt loose and pulling it out of the hole with a small frying pan
to get to 4' deep! ( ok, I'm whining here ) <g>
So: might any of you wizzardly fixiters have an idea about the switches
and levers on the dash? I have posted four photos which all start with '
Electrical Q ' at
I believe the master switch goes up... however the two ' ignition '
switches... they both pull out about 1/4 inch. Should they be pulled out
or pushed in to ... to start or to run the truck? Keep in mind there is a
floor mounted starter kick pedal which is still connected to the trucks
starter: the same as it was when built new.
Any thoughts on how to get a light bulb to turn on? And why would somebody
place two separate switches on the dash ( 3 feet apart ) which are labeled
' ignition ' ?
Thanks for all of the help on getting her moving again!
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