From: Tim Scherrer (
Date: Wed Jan 08 2003 - 15:42:13 PST
WWII Vehicle Convoy through Missouri Wine Country
May 10, 2003
Get ready! The holidays have quickly passed and the
WWII Military Vehicle Convoy is 4 months away.
The amount of interest in the event has far exceeded
initial expectations. We have heard from possible
participants in Texas, Tennessee, Arkansas, Iowa,
Kansas, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan, and of
course, Missouri. As for registered vehicles, we
currently have 6, with about 8 open seats for riders.
I did a count today of those vehicles people have told
me they are bringing, and the numbers are growing
fast. From what people have told me, I am expecting
25 jeeps+, a dozen Dodges and about 7 other vehicles
(motorcycles, staff car, Brit CMP, CCKW, Wrecker,
Kubelwagen, etc). We were hoping for a dozen vehicles
and we may quadruple that! Again this is based upon
what people have told me, so my information is only as
good as what people tell me. This also does not count
people who have made no indications they are coming,
or those who will find out about this before May and
To give us a better count of the scope and scale of
the event as we do more detailed planning, we ask
those bringing vehicles to send us an email with the
type and number of vehicles they intend to bring. The
e-mail does not replace sending in the registration
All vehicles that have registered have extra seats.
If this trend continues, there should be enough seats
for everyone who would like to participate, but does
not own a vehicle. All riders must submit a
registration form so that riders can be matched with
A few updates include:
• Early morning brief rest stop in Hallsville, MO has
been added.
• Arrangements have been made with the City of Clark,
Missouri for the mid-morning rest stop.
• Lunch has been coordinated with the Moberly,
Missouri American Legion for a $7 buffet meal of Roast
Beef, Potatoes, Green Beans and a dessert.
• The City of Fayette, Missouri is having a 1940s
living history day, which peaks with our arrival in
the town. Free refreshments and a band is expected.
• Coordination has been made with the City of
Rocheport for the stop at the “Stand by Me” tunnel.
• We are on Les Bourgeois Winery’s Calendar
• directions added to website
• a block of 50 rooms reserved wit the Ramada Inn for
the nights of May 9th and May 10th.
We are considering getting a T-shirt or hats for the
event made with the logo off the webpage and the
phrase “WW II Military Vehicle Convoy Through the
Missouri Wine Country, 10 May 03, We Kept Them
Rolling.” Can you indicate if there is interest in
getting a shirt or hat?
To register for the event, access the event schedules,
and obtain room rates for the event, visit the
Railsplitter website at
Once you are on the website, click on the icon that
says WWII Convoy. For questions regarding the convoy,
contact me at (573) 449-3677 or send e-mail to
Tim Scherrer
PS: Did I mention to send in your registration forms?
Tim A. Scherrer
CO, 84th Iinfantry Division "Railsplitters," Reenacted
Columbia, MO
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