From: Dave Ball (
Date: Tue Jan 21 2003 - 14:00:16 PST
Rear seal in the motor is probably gone... pull the inspection cover and
look to see if its dripping from the motor or the transmission input bearing
retainer if its thin oil and black its almost always the rear main seal
which if its a rope seal you may be able to change it without pulling to
much apart.
You have to ask the M35 Experts on that one.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ryan Aguilar" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 8:40 AM
Subject: [MV] Leaking more oil than usual
> Hey guys (and gals), I just returned from a road trip in my M35 and
> noticedmore than the usual amount of oil dripping out of the hole where
> clutch is. (the one you plug up when fording deep water) Actually a lot
> oil was dripping out. It soaked the entire under pinnings of the truck.
> also noticed the clutch slipping probably because it was soaked in oil.
> Where is this oil coming from? My first thought is that the rear main
> is leaking. Any thoughts? If this is the case, can someone direct me to
> the TM manual that has the teardown of the multifuel engine? Has anyone
> done this before? How much work is it going to be? Where can I get a new
> clutch? Any thoughts or advise from some older and wiser Deuce owners
> be greatly appreciated.
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