Re: [MV] Gas bas a political weapon

Date: Thu Feb 20 2003 - 05:35:20 PST

We won't use up our oil reserves. Once the price-
per-gallon catches up with inflation, say $3.00 a
gallon, people will resort to conserving, like they
did back in the 1980's '"fuel shortage." I'm sick of
seeing schools, homes, parking lots, banks, and,
etc., all lit up at night. Pure waste. If most lights
were shut off and the hockey moms laid off bussing
their kids to school, we, and the Arabs, would see
a drastic reduction in our oil needs, thereby reducing
our dependence on imported oil and no need to tap our
The way we waste energy is pathetic.
I speak with some knowledge, having been in the home
heating oil and wholesale gasoline business, I struggled
through the "shortages."
Joe Young

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