From: GOTAM35 (
Date: Tue Mar 04 2003 - 18:39:44 PST
Several people have posted replies here that make good points. I only have
one thing to add.
This is the first big rally I have tried to attend and I don't want any of
you guys thinking about not coming. I've been reading post on this list for
almost a year and I am looking forward to putting a face with your storys.
If you feel you have been shafted do something about it, but come out to the
rally. If you boycot the rally you are indirectly boycoting the rest of us
This may be just another rally to some folks, but this is HOPEFULLY going to
be a real blast for me. I just want to see a lot smiling faces and green
trucks. Hope you all can be there. I will be driving about 500 miles (One
way of course) in the comfort of my M35. Us souther boys don't make it up
that far often.
As a side note, it will be 75 degrees here tomorrow. I can't wait until
Joe Trapp
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