Date: Wed Mar 12 2003 - 18:20:43 PST
I think I have located my last (for the moment) fluid leak on the M998...I thought the hoses on the transfer cooling loop connections were leaking, but, after double clamping them, and cleaning the transfer case off good, I noticed that the fluid leak stems from around the large nut holding the front driveshaft yoke on to the transfer shaft, and when the vehicle is moving, the oil splashes up and onto the cooling loop hoses and transfer case...
Would anyone know if a fluid leak is possible there ( inside the yoke) and what the seal washer that is supposed to be there looks like? I do have a few rubber seals in my box of humvee spare crap that are serrated around the outside edge and somewhat look like they may match the inside splines of the yoke! Could this be the right seal?
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