Re: [MV] Pep Boys and Due Process...

From: Alan R Wise (
Date: Wed Mar 19 2003 - 09:50:23 PST

on 3/19/03 12:37 PM, Jim Newton at wrote:

In reading the article, Pep Boys claim the firing had nothing to do with his
military service, which of course would be illegal.

So, all you guys attacking Pep Boys, what ever happened to DUE PROCESS?
Innocent until proven guilty, huh? Why is it whenever a citizen gets in
trouble with his MV or firearm, you all scream about being railroaded, but
not here? Why is that? Double standard, or what? Sounds to me like a little
fairness is in order before you start screaming for a boycott of an American
corporation that employs thousands of good people....

my .02.

Alan Wise

> Hi Listers...
> I heard about this too this on the radio over the weekend from the
> wife of one of the guys who got fired.
> Yesterday I needed some automotive chemicals. I checked at Kragens (a
> chain out here...called Checker and Schuck's elsewhere, and
> PartsAmerica online) but they were out of what I needed. Even though
> there was a PepBoys right across the street, I went to the next town
> down where there is another Kragens and bought my items there. Never
> again will I buy anything at wife says no more service for her
> minivan there either! She will be writing a letter to them to let
> them know why.
> MV deuce once dripped oil onto the PepBoys parking
> lot...what can be done to fix that problem? ;)
>> It seems that they fired several reservists for being reservists. Despite
>> my slabbering, left of right, jane fonda workout luvvin, tree huggin,
>> everybody should own a gun views... I really don't agree with this. I don't
>> support any type of persecution of people for their beliefs. News article
>> below.
>> Mandatory MV content: I once bought oil for my 1944 MB at a Pep Boys.
>> Never again.

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