From: Tim Scherrer (
Date: Thu May 15 2003 - 13:46:14 PDT
Above is the address for some of the WWII MV Convoy 10
May 03 in Columbia, MO pictures. As the pictures,
show there was a lot of rain before and after the
event but we managed to avoid the rain on the route
(minus a little minor tornado warning at the winery).
These pictures are not for reproduction....just look
at them but they are intended for sale in publications
and you'll have to answer to the photographer if you
print them anywhere.
The best pictures of the day are not included..the
Amish buggy that did a "Uie" when it saw us coming and
almost tipped over...and us going up in the jeep to
investigate the road that had water over it...4' as we
found out.
The next event is scheduled for 7-8 May 04, with a
likely southern route and a stop at another
winery...hopefully minus the tornado warnings we had
this year.
Tim A. Scherrer
CO, 84th Infantry Division "Railsplitters," Reenacted
Columbia, MO
"You'll be fighting WWII for the rest of your life." Ron Scherrer, 1971
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