Re: [MV] SS Re: [MV] anybody know this man?

From: Steve Grammont (
Date: Fri Sep 19 2003 - 01:21:21 PDT

>After all, SS agents can't miss a chance to stick guns
>in the face of a 12 year old kid (and his freaked out parents) who's
>running scripts trying to break into his school's computer.

Actually, I welcome SOME sort of action since the parents are obviously
not doing their jobs. Treat the little bastards like the criminals they
are. Or should a 12 year old car thief be asked by a social worker to
kindly get out of someone else's property?

My local ISP had to completely rebuild their entire mail services from
the ground up this week because all the SPAM viruses coming in were
causing emails to be delayed by as much as a half hour. God only knows
what this cost the small company in question. One snot nosed, pimply,
girl repellant dweeb can cause a LOT of trouble for a lot of people in a
very short period of time. The sooner society realizes this and stops
coddling the little twerps, the better.

But no, I don't seriously think the Secret Service will do anything to
curb the problem. Inattentive parents, excessive societal pampering of
kids, and the normal problems with society need to be addressed to make
any real difference.


P.S. I am sure Ryan will recall similar rants of mine in the past :-) I
am also in the computer industry, on the receiving end of these little
(censored), which makes me think of a lot worse things to do to 'em than
the gun just being waved in front of their faces :-)

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