
From: J. Forster (
Date: Mon Feb 09 2004 - 21:15:45 PST

>Subject: Saving the Hubble telescope
>Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2004 08:51:09 -0500
   The Hubble space telescope has been one of NASA's top
>achievements, and
>has greatly added to our knowledge of the universe. I hope you have all
>seen the tremendous and beautiful images which it's cameras have produced.
>That makes life more interesting. NASA has made a decision to destroy the
>Hubble, rather than make another flight to the Hubble. That flight would
>add another 6 years to the Hubble's usable life. Some NASA administrators
>claim that a flight to Hubble would be too risky, after the last Shuttle
>crash. But engineers within NASA disagree.
> Please look at the following site, and sign the petition to Congress to
>save the Hubble. Hubble sits in a high orbit, and that orbit would not
>decay for many years. Let's keep reaping the benifits from one of the all
>time great science instruments.

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