From: Anderson Neal F DLPC (
Date: Wed Mar 03 2004 - 09:47:14 PST
I got mine recently from Memphis Equip. , price wasn't bad. There is a hose
for each rear axle. I plan to install them this weekend. If you like, I'll
measure them tonight and report back tomorrow? Also, don't forget the three
front axle hoses! (They are different!)
>Message-ID: <005901c400a2$d87d2a80$f2fea8c0@truck>
>From: "Steve & Jeannie Keith" <>
>Subject: [MV] M35 rear brake hose
>Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 17:08:08 -0500
>Does nayone know the length of an M35 rear brake hose? The
>one that runs down the torque rod? Does it have internal threads
>on both ends? Who has them? How much? etc...
>Steve AKA Dr Deude
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