From: Ted Hils (
Date: Mon Mar 08 2004 - 09:31:11 PST
There are two types of people that buy from GL. Those that have been
cheated, and those that have yet to be cheated. I am in the first category.
The problems I have had in the past I just wrote it off to a cost of doing
business. The latest trangression on their part was "the straw that broke
the camel's back." My account is suspended and it will be a cold day in
Arizona before I pay another "penalty" for their inefficiency and/or
Luckily, I have enough trucks and "stuff" already bought (most of it
pre-GL) to last at least 2 years. Maybe by that time, they will have
changed the system (again) and GL will be outta there.
Hunter seems like a very nice guy. I bet he doesn't last long with GL.
Ted Hils
Ted's Trucks 'N Stuff
1181 County Road 560
Midland City, AL 36350
Mon-Fri, 8-5 CST
From: "Mike Maynard" <>
Subject: Re: [MV] GL (turned long)
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 18:31:51 -0500
Message-ID: <001d01c4030a$09c63f00$6400a8c0@mangus>
As far as
I am concerned this is the least of the problems with GL. I really
tweaked me some that they wouldn't even let the DRMO guy help me out
with a set of jumper cables from another truck. Or that they wont tow
the trucks out of their lot to at least get them in a position feasible
for loading. I had no trouble getting on the base both times I went....
and the first time, the GL guy was not there when I went and the DRMO
guy was exceptionally helpful. He helped us load the M105 onto our
trailer, and even tried to put the M101 on with it. When it didn't fit,
he even took it back off and put it in the back of my deuce to wait for
my EUC. When the GL guy was there, the DRMO guy was barely able to even
talk to me. My 97 forms came in a reasonable amount of time (within 2
weeks of me picking things up). And I am very pleased with all the
items that I have bought... all sight unseen!! I will admit to taking a
great risk on that aspect though... ;-) I feel that there is room to
improve, but I haven't seen any direct references to bad experiences as
keep getting mentioned.... just that GL is very very bad. Maybe some
people with some of he first hand bad experiences could tell their
story? It would be most useful to the guy from GL who is here on the
list. Maybe he can use some of the information.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Fougnier []
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 6:19 PM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: Re: [MV] GL
Dear GL,
The fee I pay at the DMV is a license fee AND sales tax. NOBODY in the
automotive world collects sales tax when they sell a car, it is the DMV
that does that.
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