Re: [MV] Is it broke?

From: Paul A. Thomas (
Date: Tue Mar 30 2004 - 09:10:24 PST

> archive the messages in a folder. Most mail apps will forward
messages > to another folder. You can search those.

This requires me to be a librarian. I do so, but if I'm on the road? Set
up a server so I can get into my own copied messages? Or when a HD fails
and there is no backup? How many times have listers reported a complete
meltdown with no backup in the past year? 4 or 5?

I've never had a problem with speed on forum based lists, but also am
lucky enough to have high speed ( made sure the condo I'm renting here
had it before committing to it <g> ) Being on the list requires that I
wade through a few dozen messages a day from the forum. Many topics are
interesting, however if I'm swamped I hit delete. It takes a few
minutes. On a forum I would pick a posting and 'follow' it. When
someone posted back to that particular thread I would be notified by
Email and go read what they posted. When I see a 'thread' that looks
interesting I attach myself to it. If I find I was wrong and it's about
something I have no interest in I can removed myself from the auto email
for that thread. And of course you can search all posts on that forum
all the way back if they set it up that way and have the space.

Ryan: you might be able to download a forum to your powerbook and have
it there to read on the road... I can't recall but believe IE has had
this capability for years. It's under tools, internet options I think.

.02 cents ( ^@%%& notebook won't allow the cents sign ) added


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