From: Steve Grammont (
Date: Fri May 28 2004 - 09:01:05 PDT
>Most large newspapers are owned by huge media groups (as are broadcast
>stations these days) and tint the news according to the editorial leanings.
And if you knew anything about the history or Rupert Murdoch, the head of
Fox, you'd know how sadly true this comment is about Fox News. I
consider Fox reporting amongst the most biased and opinionated of all the
mass TV media out there. Fox (and all of Murdoch's media holdings here
and elsewhere, so there is a well established pattern) is hardly unbiased
and that is bad for news media which claims to be. I lean right on many
issues, especially gun control, so save your breath if you want to paint
me as a liberal commie butt sucker :-)
Another thing... those on the right think CNN is a bunch of liberal
commies... those on the left think it is a right wing tool of big
business and Christian fundamentalists. I'd say that means that overall
CNN must be more or less in the middle because it can't possibly be both
extremes at the same time.
I think all mass media is far more about making money and easy reporting
than trying to make real news. If I wanted to see death tolls for
accidents in countries most people had never heard of, reported simply to
fill air time, I'd use the Web not my expensive cable TV channels. Then
again, most people in the US religiously follow American Idol and
Survivor shows, so not too surprising the media is often about the same
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