Re: [MV] Towing an M35A2

Date: Tue Jul 27 2004 - 07:48:37 PDT

Gang, I'm going to side with Arthur on this issue. You will find no mention
of towing the M35A2 on a roll back or a landoll in the TM. You won't see any
references to using a wheel or axle lift either. Just because its not mentioned
doesn't mean it can't or shouldn't be done. These are actually the best way to
move them. If you are going to have the truck towed with the M62, M543 or
M816 wrecker by all means, follow the TMs. They just aren't applicable to towing
with a commercial wrecker. Just as a little kicker, you also won't find any
mention on hooking up or repairing license plate holders or license plate
lights either. If anybody wants advise on towing their deuce or 5 ton with a
commercial wrecker, I'll be glad to help. If you want advice on towing one with one
of the military wreckers, I can offer opinions but I have no expertise in
those operations. Let me offer this as well even though its a little off subject.
No matter what you are towing with, when towing a 5 ton, tow from the front if
at all possible. This gives you the ability to hook up air and operate brakes
where brakes exist. Also consider that the TM recommends having a driver
present in the towed vehicle. Here in FL that's against the law.
(deuce piggyback expert)

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