From: Glenn Shaw (
Date: Sun Oct 03 2004 - 16:21:10 PDT
Hi Jim
Thanks for the info on the MUTT name. I never knew it came originally from
On the topic of GO. Original spec GL1 was mineral oil based with no harmful
additives to bronze and brass parts. Later versions such as GL3 and GL4 as
an example had EP or extreme pressure additives among other things added
which would provide better protection of moving gears etc under the higher
loads and horsepowers that more modern vehicles were exhibiting.
Unfortunately a side effect of these new lubes were that they were corrosive
to bronze and brass. This led to failures in older equipment when bushings
and synchros were destroyed. The newer transmissions were getting away from
these metals. Recently this was addressed when *some* manufacturers of GL5
Gear Oil which has the EP qualities adhered to the MT1 standard for yellow
metal protection. So the best thing would be to use the GL1 which can still
be found since it is requested by a lot of farmers who demand it. Or it can
be had from Joe Young, a MV dealer we all know, who is on the list here. He
can ship it or bring it to any of the East Coast rallies he is at at a great
price. If you go with the new GO then you can look for GL5 MT1 oil. Also
at the time the M151 TM's were written the it was long enough ago that the
GO standard was at API GL1.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Gilmore []
Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2004 11:24 AM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: Re: [MV] GL-1 90w mineral gear oil???
Perhaps I missed why GL-1 is suggested here.........
The LO-9-2320-218-12 (lubrication order) for the M-151, A1, A2 specifies
GO for the gearbox and transfer case.
Jim Gilmore
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