From: Bob Ternes (
Date: Wed Oct 06 2004 - 10:20:12 PDT
--- Marc Strangfeld <> wrote:
> Why not go with air brakes right away?
...because I don't want to have to rework all of
the wheel cylinders and find a solution for the
front axle (brake systems are always toughest for
front axle). The amount of effort you imply by
trimming the words "over hydraulic" from "air
over hydraulic brakes" is tremendous. You need
slaves on each wheel, changes to the drum
assembly, new lines everywhere, this is so far
beyond a simple job. At that point I might as
well scrap the stock axles. Honestly. Then I lose
the über-cool M35-ness of the truck. At that
point, I should have just pulled the Ford L8000
Cat donor truck out to Colorady and swapped cabs
(but probably not seats!). Just pushing more Dot
3 (gasp! Dot 3? Civvy juice!! Hide the youngins!)
through the lines should suffice. Once obsessed
with power, I am also now just as intrigued by
good brakes, especially on a vehicle that will
weigh 18k with payload.
> Also, didn't
> Tom rig up two air packs/master cylinders to
> address the problem you are concerned about?
Search and ye shall find. I love the Interwebnet.
At 5:38 PM -0500 11/12/02, tom-nooneofconsequence
>i split the system front and rear. it is a copy
of the system used on a
>1985 gmc 70 series truck (made by isuzu) see
> for
pics. you should be able
>to figure it out from there. the boosters used
are stripped so they are
>just air cyls pushing a master cyl. used dual
air brake control valve
>and brakes require only toe pressure to lock up.
> As far as the
> gearing goes, how about an auxilary box?
Space. Space, my good man. Which is why I need to
stick with the spicer 5 speeds or length
equivalent. I don't want to have to relocate my
transfercase, and end up changing both front and
rear driveshafts. To retube the front would be in
the $300 range or so around here, back of the
> Marc
Next victim:
> --- m35products <> wrote:
> > To answer one of your many questions: The
> deuce
> > right now has one brake
> > circuit, feeding the front and the two rear
> axles,
> > without a proportioning
> > valve, right? Then I ASSume that you could
> use a
> > two-circuit MC, using one
> > circuit for front, and one for the two rears.
> Of
> > course, as you know,
> > two-circuit MC's usually activate opposing
> corners,
> > not front/rear.
Interesting if that's the case with AOH brakes,
since this is not the case with light truck MC's.
The donor truck also seems to have F+R circuits
as well.
> > What's wrong with the stock OD tranny? Not
> high
> > enough final drive ratio?
1. Ratio.
2. Strength. I have my doubts about it holding
> > Sworn off women??????? That's OK with us,
> son We
> > accept posts here from
> > people with all sexual preferences.
The upshot of that statement was to emphasize
that my biggest asset pool on this project is my
time, not money, since I honestly have sworn off
dating for a while - ascetically, that is, and
not out of mere disinterest. I would elaborate on
Boulder's dating choices but I'm already
stretching this post's limit on relevancy to a
Military Vehicle list. Bottom line is it means
more truck times, like I'm building my vehicle
frames while my "encumbered" mates are buying
That said, I did meet a beautiful mexicana last
week so it might be game on. ;) Regardless of
outcome with the tall hispanophone, I need to
start all of these projects now so that I can
evidence of "prior art" when the next
patent-holder tries to lay claim on my time. :)
> It takes a big
> > man to admit what you
> > said. Or did I misunderstand your intended
> meaning?
Seņor Arturo, don't get your hopes up, it's only
temporary. ;)
Thanks for letting me bounce some ideas off you
folks. I rigged up a gladhand connection and 20'
hose for my impact last night, so I think I'll be
stealing some brake systems come friday! :)
Bob Ternes
Indian Name - Lays awake planning buildups
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