From: Jeff Gatton (
Date: Wed Oct 13 2004 - 05:30:21 PDT
My FD has a civvy brush truck with a 6.2L It has a
single 200A alternator, and 2 batteries in parallel.
I can get more info and/or take pictures of it if you
want me to.
Jeff Gatton
--- Caleb Pal - MilVeh <> wrote:
> Hey all,
> Our fire department has a M1008 that they want to
> convert to 12 volts. They
> would like me to do it, as I have worked on them a
> little and they want to
> save money. Has anyone done this or have any tips on
> it? I am thinking one
> alternator goes, one battery goes, 12 volt starter,
> bypass the glow plug
> resistor on the firewall and thats basically about
> it. Still need to figure
> out how to do the key ignition to power 12v to the
> 12v solinoid, but besides
> that I think its pretty straght forward. I am
> thinking the passenger side
> alternator would go, as it is the 12-24v one and the
> drivers is the 0-12v
> one, so it should continue to charge the battery.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks a lot!
> Caleb Pal
> 1984 M1009
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