From: Winget William A Contractor CIV JTFCS J5 (
Date: Wed Oct 13 2004 - 06:58:43 PDT
Increase front tire pressure to 60Lbs. Since 9:00 x 20's are rated for MAX 65 PSI cold in the single configuration, 60 PSI works fine (as long as your tires are in good shape, etc.
I had two deuces from DRMO, the first one steered REALLY hard. After I acquired the second one, I found the steering to be like Power compared to the old one. Checked the Tires and found it was the air pressure levels making such a difference.
Added air to the first one and she's now easy to steer.
It's not power, but it sure does make the truck turn easier. Worst case the front tires will wear less (cupping wise) by wearing on the crown first.
MILITARIA Show and Sale at the Virginia War Memorial in Huntington Park, Newport News, Virginia 23607 22-24 Oct weekend.
Great little event for people in Southeastern Virginia. Currently have 116 tables/spaces reserved, 55 reenactors scheduled, 53 vehicles and artillery pieces lined up, and about 250 auction items (including 47 firearms) confirmed at this time.
W. Winget
Virginia Military Preservation Association
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