From: Patrick Jankowiak (
Date: Thu Oct 21 2004 - 19:57:21 PDT
May the bombers and all of their friends die and eat pork in
hell! Kill every last one!
oh, and crappy camera work too...
Makes me wonder why it isn't SOP to fire an HE round into any
abandoned roadside vehicle, just on suspicion.
Ron wrote:
> The video can be seen here:
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Grammont" <>
> To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
> Sent: 21 October, 2004 13:53
> Subject: Re: [MV] Stryker and thee 500lb bomb
>> Hi again Ryan,
>>> The Remote Weapons station also meant that the commander wasn't head
>>> out and there to take the roll the bad way. He was probably down
>>> inside tweaking the camera around looking at the IED and the Air
>>> Guard dude was probably down under armor too.
>> Very true.
>> Note to anybody looking at the commentary associated with that picture...
>> The IED hit the left side of the vehicle. The right side is shown in the
>> picture. The bomb was located on the roadway, out in the open, and the
>> Stryker passed probably within 10-15 feet of the point of detonation.
>> The blast was huge and totally engulfed the Stryker. I know this because
>> the insurgents were kind enough to video the thing and post it to various
>> websites (I saw the clip on CNN). The clip was short and cut off, but
>> from the two quick glimpses I had of it I didn't see the Stryker flip
>> over, but instead continue to drive on through the explosion. However,
>> the quality of the video was bad, it was replayed on TV in a small
>> window, and the blast obscured the vehicle for perhaps as long as it took
>> to flip. So in short, I can't comment on the flipping or driving away
>> bits based on what I saw when I saw it. The only clear thing is the
>> vehicle survived the blast basically intact.
>> Steve
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