From: Steve Grammont (
Date: Thu Oct 21 2004 - 21:31:05 PDT
>oh, and crappy camera work too...
Yeah... the least the bastards could do is hold the camera steady. I
honestly can't tell what happened to the Stryker after the blast.
>Makes me wonder why it isn't SOP to fire an HE round into any
>abandoned roadside vehicle, just on suspicion.
Well, I don't have many details about that explosion, but the first time
I heard it they said it was a "suicide bomber". As one might expect,
abandoned vehicles by the side of the road are a dime a dozen in that
part of the world. If every one of them were treated like an IED
military traffic would move slower than traffic in Boston after the Red
Sox won. Our guys are having to learn which ones to take a risk on and
which ones to suspect.
I'm guessing that our guys are always leery of the unoccupied ones. But
if there is a guy in there... well... suspicions are dropped? So some
stupid SOB plants himself in the bomb/car and acts like he is an innocent
motorist. I dunno, but it sounds logical in the twisted minds of the
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