Date: Fri Oct 22 2004 - 04:41:02 PDT
Called 3rd shift............aircraft mech for a Airline. Pays pretty well. It affords me to "play with the toys, some green and some not green"
1951 M37
1953 M62
1968 M54A2C
1970 M35A2c
1971 M35A2
1972 M35A2
1940 Naval Aircraft Factory N3N-3
2004 Monte Carlo SS "Intimidator"
But I would also add that I also have a very understanding wife that lets me play when I want to. I know a few of you guys have those!!
As one of the fellow MV Club Members that have RAM as a member. Just would not be the same without him, makes the shows that much more enjoyable. Seeing how much wacky stuff you can install on a M35 (the duck was my fav). Also his quick response time to aid a fellow collector who cut his finger while attempting a "bottle opening trick". RAM quickly responded with aid from his newly aquired surplus ambulance!!!! So let me say it like one of the "Bartles & James" commercials........"we thank you for your support"
> From:
> Date: 2004/10/20 Wed PM 01:08:20 EDT
> To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
> Subject: Re: [MV] Important announcement-reply
> You ever wonder about the guys that reply to this list during the day? Don't we have jobs or something to support our MV lust? Me, I'm in my office trying to quote boiler replacements and keep my service guys busy. But I'd really rather be out playing w/ my truck. By the way, I found a 10 ton tractor for sale near me. Have not seen it yet.
> Dave McConnell
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