From: Jim Stead (
Date: Thu Oct 28 2004 - 20:34:02 PDT
> Well it finally happened, while driving my M35 I got pulled over by two
> officers in unmarked cars.
I worry about that myself. I'm trying to buy time by looking as "real" as
possible. As it is now, the cops hit their rollers as they pass by to show
their support!
> I gathered from they're grins that in a state where you can haul
> your huntin' rifles in the rear window of your pickup that to stop someone
> for displaying a "fake" gun on their truck was a little embarrassing.
You are very lucky to live in such a wonderful place. I don't mean to get up
on a soapbox here, but where I live in lower NY state, by Jersey and CT,
putting a rifle in the window of your pickup is about the best way I know of
to get Felony stopped by 20 Troopers with every weapon they can grab onto in
short notice....
> back up was in order. You couldn't "Starsky and
> Hutch" behind the door of the blazer and expect to be immune to the M2.
Then again, his backup is looseleaf paper to ma deuce too. If their plan
wasn't to kill anything that went towards that 'fake' 50 cal, what exactly
was their plan for after they died?
I mention this just so everyone reading might better appreciate the position
of the cop that pulls you over.
It may seem like you're not being treated 'appropriately', but if you were
in the other guy's'd know that one little mistake means your
end. Plus your inability to help or protect anyone else.
Pulling over a potentially stolen Military Vehicle with guns is *way*
different than stopping a Volvo for speeding. Keep that in mind if you ever
get stopped!
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