From: Bruce Kalin (
Date: Sun Nov 14 2004 - 19:28:43 PST
Excellent advise Marc, to call ahead to the weigh stations if you have
any doubt as to the regulations that pertain to your vehicle. As the old
saying goes, "Ignorance of the law is no excuse," and it certainly holds
true for all of us on the road.
Unfortunately, as occurs all too often in various situations, a clerk
or, even a police officer will tell you one thing, then you find that
what they told you was completely wrong. (Just ask Joe Young if the law
can be interpreted in various ways, which fit the situation - and, how
many thousands of dollars it cost him to prove he was right. I'm not
divulging any confidential information, as Joe has posted what happened
to his extensive antique gun collection. Police officers are well
versed in the commonalties of daily law but, they are not experts in all
aspects. They are often required to make judgment decisions if they are
unable to verify a regulation. We may find out later that their decision
was not entirely correct, but at the time it was the best decision they
could make with the information they had available. For those law
enforcement officers on the list, please correct me if I am wrong here.
As an example, how many of us have been told one thing over the phone by
a DMV clerk, when attempting to register our vehicles, then told
something completely different when we arrive at the agency? Then, we
call the state office, and they tell us something different than the
other two occurrences!
It's certainly best to have something in writing whenever possible if
there is any question in your mind that your actions could be
interpreted as something other than your intentions.
-- ,
Bruce Kalin
Convoy coordinator
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