permits, tags, CDLs, scales, etc

From: everette (
Date: Tue Nov 16 2004 - 06:08:04 PST

When I acquired two military vehicles which empty weight of exceeds the
26,000 pound "heavy truck" weight that normally requires operator to have
CDLs, I was some concerned because one of these trucks as built will not
pass the pre-inspection given before driving test to obtain CDLs, there is
nothing wrong with truck only problem is that the braking system does not
meet "over the road" truck requirements. Learned this while studying book
about CDLs. However I found that recreational vehicles, regardless of
weight do not require CDLs. I did some extensive checking - truck belongs
to me, is not driven for hire, does not haul loads which generate revenue
for owner or operator, hence according to statutes qualifies as recreational

There was no mention of toilet facilities.

 It is overwidth and does require overwidth permit to operate on public
roads, does have to stop at weight scales, antique tags are permitted.
Further it is my understanding CDLs are issued by states but come under
Federal guidelines, overwidth and antique tags and controlled by state as
are scales.

I do not have this in writing, but perusal of Tennessee instructions for
CDLs will lead down this path.


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