Date: Thu Dec 02 2004 - 15:51:34 PST
Watervielete ?? Not sure of the spelling...something like that --in upstate
NY...was a famous arsenal for manufacturing cannon barrels for over a
century.. All the big guns were at one time made there. When I was on
Corregidor (where MacArthur said his famous line - "I shall return")...All
the big guns there were made at Watervellete...and so marked on each
muzzle...even the huge seige mortar...
They are still there today...although we (the US) have had our butts kicked
out of the Philippines... Look up the history of that Arsenal..and you
should find how the barrels were made.. While at SUBIC Bay..on the base..the
spare set of BIG Guns for USS New Jersey were on the base...!!! One of them
had come from USS Arizona...!!
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