flak--All you wanted to know

From: Bruce C. Beattie (bruce@eecs.berkeley.edu)
Date: Tue Dec 14 2004 - 18:09:13 PST

Main Entry: flak Pronunciation Guide
Variant(s): also flack \flak\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural flak
Etymology: German flak, from fliegerabwehrkanone antiaircraft gun, from
fliegerabwehr defense against air attack (from flieger aviator -- from
fliegen to fly, from Old High German fliogan -- + abwehr defense, from
abwehren to ward off, from ab off, away -- from Old High German aba -- +
wehren to restrain, forbid, from Old High German werren to defend) +
kanone cannon, from Italian cannone -- more at FLY, OF, WEIR, CANNON
1 : antiaircraft guns <flak battery> <flak ship>
2 : the bursting shells fired from flak <despite heavy flak damage made
a safe landing>

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