Re: [MV] Ebay seller

From: Patrick Jankowiak (
Date: Fri Feb 04 2005 - 16:05:46 PST

Simple, A contractor in charge of the project did the deal.

Ron wrote:

> Huhhhhh? HELLO!!! Am I the only one who caught this????
> USAF buys stuff on Ebay?
> What does the USAF use as an ID? ZOOMIEGUYS or B1rdMen? I'd like to put
> them on my favorite sellers search.
> What is their feedback rating look like?
> Any Negatives? Bet they don't give negatives, just get even?
> Do they get pissy about shipping charges?
> Do they ever lose an auction?
> They have an Ebay store?
> Do they bid or prefer 'Buy it now'?
> Do they use Pay Pal?
> How about the Army, Navy or USMC?
> USCG offer seized dope under 'Buy It Now'?
> The possibilities boggle the mind!
> Inquiring minds want to know.....
> Ronzo
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Patrick Jankowiak"
> <>
> To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
> Sent: 31 January, 2005 23:38
> Subject: Re: [MV] Ebay seller
>> I had some guy from France jerk me around on a cetain piece of
>> advanced computer equipment. The auction said ship to USA only (item
>> was not exportable) and he failed to provide a USA receiving address
>> and got all bent, left complaints in French. I looked the jerk up, and
>> he's on a government list of unacceptable trading partners because he
>> is apparently a front for those to whom exports of such items are not
>> allowed. heh. I am pleased to say that I relisted them and it went to
>> a certain USAF program. No, I am not anti-Francois (as his comment
>> said), I am anti-evil-empire.
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