Re: [MV] Out of ideas... M151 still misses

From: Mil-Veh Co. (
Date: Fri Feb 04 2005 - 22:19:35 PST

First, thanks for the fouling info., Joe, Cliff and
anyone else who may still provide info.


OK, just one more question and this is giving me fits,
I'm still having a problem with a dead miss. Here is
what I've done to correct a "no fire" in number 2
cylinder on the M151:

1. R/R spark plug with new plug, could see decent
spark, but still no combustion. Plug smelled of gas,
but not wet with gas. (also checked plug wires for
firing order, Firing Order: 1-3-4-2 )
2. Did compression check, 105 lbs...passable, all
about 105 lbs while cranking. (new is about 135 lbs.)
3. R/R plug wire with new wire.
4. R/R dist. cap with new cap.
5. Replace entire Prestolite electronic distributer
with new unit and replaced all wires with
new...getting desperate!!!

                Still missing on #2!!

6. Replaced spark plug again, just to double check.
7. Removed valve cover, observed engine running,
rocker arms moved up and down smoothly and checked for
     a. Broken valve spring
     b. Loose or broken push rod
     c. Proper lift on valves looking possible cam
lobe damage. (all fine)

8. Checked to see if cam had somehow skipped time,
engine was TDC on #1 when at the timing mark on crank
pully..can't be cam timing.

9. Made sure batteries were fully charged and proper
ground. No problems, they're new and wiring new, all
tight and no corrosion anywhere.

Everything seems fine, just noticed that the
compression was a little low, but within range for an
older engine.

10. I can't think of anything reasonable that it
could thinking its something unreasonable...

Considered a foreign object (mouse, bird, rag, etc.,)
may have somehow entered the intake manifold during
the carb rebuild and is not allowing combustable air
into number 2 hole..but then I did get good
compression, so is that likely???? I'm running out of
ideas, good ones, bad ones, I've been over this engine
a dozen times and can't find a thing wrong.

If I can't figure out anything else, then I will pull
the intake manifold and look into the head for some
sort of obstruction. I mean, what's left to check,
right? Arrrrrgggggh!

Summary... can't be fire, has good fire and good
plugs. Can't be a valve, ok compression. Timing is
on. Firing order is right. 3 cyls run great, so can't
be carb.




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