Re: [MV] Cost of petrol

From: Ryan Gill (
Date: Fri Apr 08 2005 - 08:15:50 PDT

At 10:57 AM -0400 4/8/05, Stephen Grammont wrote:
>>Buy the mine rights, develop the resource, sell the product. That's how it works here. Or do you want to nationalize private assets and say to hell with the 4th amendment?
>At this rate Nationalization or worse (and there is much, much worse possible!) will happen sooner rather than later. Like it or not the resources of this Earth are limited. Those of this country are also limited. And it is those resources that our collective economies and way of living are based on. Use up the resources before switching to alternatives and society as we know it ceases to exist. These are facts. Facts, for some people who like to confuse fact with opinion, are things which are politically and culturally neutral. They are that which can not be argued with, so hopefully nobody will make a fool out of themselves by arguing :-)
>There is zero doubt, not even a tiny bit of doubt, that the consumption of certain raw materials (oil, water, clean air, and land in particular) are being eaten up at an unsustainable rate with a great deal of inefficiency and overt waste.

Granted, however the Greenies have pushed us into this by forcing us to use just petrochemicals as our energy base. Pebble Bed reactors

> Sooner, rather than later, this will catch up with us and things will get very, very bad for just about everybody. Even those that are profiting the most from the status quo (or at the very least their children). And when things catch up with us you will see far worse things than what the environmentalists and fair-trade (the REAL fair trade lobby!) are clamoring for now.
>Nationalization is inevitable, though nobody can say when, but likely in my lifetime at least unless there is a rather radical (but oddly non-painful) change in the short term strategies being pursued by just about everybody around the world. Unfortunately, because the world's industries, consumers, and governments lack the foresight and willpower to implement sensible and fairly painless long term planing is very simply put not there. And because of this Capitalism, as we know it, will disappear simply because it has exhausted itself through greed and short sighted resource management. In other words, it is creating the conditions for it's own demise. And as an "ethical" Capitalist (if there really is such a thing <g>) this really bugs me because I don't want this system to collapse. But I am but a miniscule cog in the big machine...

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