Re: [MV] Helicopters, Surplus Property Contract

From: Jim Breneman (
Date: Sat Apr 16 2005 - 12:25:29 PDT

Wow... I was mostly joking with that last comment. But
that is some very interesting/disturbing/helpful
information about how gov't contracts "really" work. I
always wondered how these "dealers" were able to
aquire MVs that nobody else seems to have. And have
lots full of M923 5-tons and M998 HMMWVs
( I guess now I know. Don't get
me wrong... Im not accusing ANYBODY of wrongdoing.
They're just operating within precedent set by some

--- "Mil-Veh Co." <> wrote:
> --- Jim Breneman <> wrote:
> Also, has anyone ever done business with
> They seem to have a lot of surplus aircraft. Which
> senators do you have to pay-off to get that kind of
> inventory?
> Jim,
> It's been my lengthy polical experience that if you
> wish a "favor" such a military contract to buy
> surplus
> helicopters or helpful legislation for same, you
> should plan on spending a fair amount in
> "contributions."
> CASH....THAT WENT OUT WITH ABSCAM, it's just not
> done
> anymore, there are better ways.
> The rules are quite specific, the more you
> contribute
> to a campaign fund the better your odds at getting
> "eartime", which is another way of saying your
> request
> is being processed. Now, don't be cheap, 10k
> minimum
> for small favors and it goes up from there, I think
> the current limit is 20k. But, don't let that scare
> you, it's not a bribe it's a donation. Heck, this
> is
> done all the time and you don't see anybody getting
> busted do you?
> Tip: There ought to be a decent lag time between
> contribution and your appointment with the Senator
> or
> Senators, so plan well ahead, 6-9 months is about
> right.
> If the Senator can't accept your money because it is
> over the amount the FEC allows, you or your helper
> may
> be directed to a person who runs what is known as
> 501
> 3(c) Political Action Committee or PAC for short,
> where money in excess of contribution limits can be
> accepted...this is called "soft money" contributions
> and it works great!
> The PAC can handle whatever amount you have in mind
> without the Senator in question being directly
> linked.
> lol Pretty great system so far, huh? It gets
> better,
> the PAC's operate under the guise of being
> independant
> (aka a wink and a nod system).
> So, they promote the interests of said senator
> without
> his direct but, you can bet your
> money
> will be appreciated by the Senator in ways that will
> more than justify your donation.
> I know that a lousy hundred grand donation here in
> California from the milk lobby netted tens of
> millions
> for higher milk prices through legislative help! I
> could give you hundreds of examples, but just know
> money really talks, especially in my state.
> FYI, your large contribution will never "directly
> buy"
> in technical legal terms the legislation or contract
> you need, right? lol Now that would be illegal.
> You
> can also do jet plane/limo rentals, 1st class
> airline
> tickets for junkets, front row
> baseball/football/etc.
> tickets, 5 star lodging and gourmet meals.
> We have the best politicians money can buy! So you
> can buy with confidence.
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