Re: [MV] Honor and respect for history

From: Bobby Joe Pendleton II (
Date: Fri May 20 2005 - 09:02:56 PDT

  Sometimes I wear period correct clothes with the unit patches and
insignias when we do shows and parades. I was never in the military but I
have a long line of family members who was ,dating back to the Crusades.
Why would I NOT have the right to wear a uniform, period correct or not? The
right to wear what I want was given to me by the vets who fought and
sometimes died. I don't think anyone in their right mind would think I was
a Korean war or Vietnam Vet, nor do I claim to be.. If we don't have the
right to wear them, then maybe we don't have the right to own the same

Southern by the grace of God
"I...Shall Remain Confederate"

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